
Grow Your Band's Audience

How much is your audience worth to your music career?

Suppose you could fill the room at your next gig—without having to hang one flyer!

Imagine… it’s a year from today. You’re standing backstage at the gig you’ve ALWAYS been meant to play. The folks in the audience are exactly who you want to hear YOUR music. And, best of all, you’re getting paid!
Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it isn’t! If you have the right strategy!

Think about it. Your audience is the MOST important part of your future success. It doesn’t matter what label you’re on, how many music industry pros love your band, how well your album’s been mixed, or how much money it took to get your song on the radio. Simply put, without an AUDIENCE that’s willing to come out and watch you perform, you have no future in the entertainment industry.

But Growing That Audience Is The Hard Part…

It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some artists rise to the top – while others fall flat on their face.

But instead of knocking yourself out, searching for the magic bullet that will fill your gigs, you can now have it inside our paperback book: ”Grow Your Band’s Audience”

At last! Every tool you need to book your own gigs and bring home a healthy fee at the end of the night…

But don’t take my word for it! Here’s what readers from all over the country are saying about our unique system:

”I was really impressed in particular with a tip on how to pack a venue without spending a fortune on traditional advertising. Quite ingenious. If you’re trying to build a huge following through gigs, street teams, online marketing, this is the book for you.” – Marc Gunn,

”Your book was the first, and I’ve read most of the others, that clearly states the difference between trying to become a rock star and making a living making music.” – C.M., Huntington Station, NY

”Artists, check this out! I have just read this fabulous book and frankly, I’m knocked out! It is every independent artist’s dream to widen their audience and pull in bigger numbers at their live shows. This book will tell you exactly how to do that in the most specific way!” – Chris Standring,

”Your book has given me a new look at an continuing problem. Booking agents in L.A. are somewhat reminescent of the ‘sleazy’ backroom people one might get an image of… I feel that your book will definitely be an asset to helping me futher my career. I can use your strategy for a more assertive approach towards club owners, booking ‘people’ and audience members…” – R.P., Los Angeles, CA